Make Turning Tides your Charity


A partnership with us will unite your staff and customers in support of a charity committed to transforming the lives of people in your local community.

We are looking for companies, schools, faith groups and community clubs who want to put their energies into supporting our mission to end local homelessness.

Our firm belief that everyone should have a place to call home will undoubtedly resonate with all in your organisation, church, school or club.

By partnering with the largest homeless charity in West Sussex you will join thousands of compassionate people committed to supporting those experiencing homelessness to achieve a brighter future.

Charity of Choice

Turning Tides can be your Charity of Choice

Our dedicated Fundraising Team will work with you to create a unique relationship that not only aligns with your social responsibility objectives but embeds the partnership in a culture of compassion and empowerment.

Select us as your Charity of Choice and together we can create real, lasting change in our community.


Benefits to you and your organisation:

There are so many ways you can benefit from selecting us as your charity of choice such as:

  • Align your public image and unite staff/ supporters behind a worthwhile local cause.
  • Extensive PR opportunities, connecting you to thousands of supporters, volunteers and staff across our social media platforms, website etc
  • Opportunities for individuals and teams to volunteer – fantastic team bonding experience whilst making a real difference and impact
  • Professional Fundraising Team supporting your fundraising activities
  • Regular updates, insights and tours of our services to not only educate and inspire but highlight the enormous impact your support has made

When you partner with us you will know the difference your support has made and we will ensure that we support you every step of the way so that this will be a truly memorable and beneficial partnership.

Hear from our previous and current corporate supporters

Interested in partnering with Turning Tides, please contact the Fundraising Team:

Phone: 01903 680740


Other ways to partner with Turning Tides:

  • Make an organisation donation: we can show you how your money helps and where your money goes
  • Fundraising and match funding: we can provide support at every step and have toolkits to help your ideas flourish
  • Volunteering: start the most rewarding experience by sharing your skills and time with our clients
  • Promotion: help us to display our promotional materials such as appeal banners, event posters etc
  • Donating items: we always need items to ensure our clients have everything they need

Other Ways To get involved

Corporate Supporter
Schools and Colleges
Place of Worship
Where you Work

Our Fundraising Team are here to help

Why don’t you get involved &
fundraise for us?


Join the Turning Tides team to fight local homelessness and we’ll give you everything you need. We can supply you with ideas, advice, materials, tips and tricks and so much more.

Our Fundraising Team are happy to support you to raise money and spread awareness of our charitable mission – to end local homelessness.

We truly believe that working together as a community is the solution. We cannot achieve all that we do – without the support of our local community. You might be an individual who wants to take on a challenge, a teacher wanting to explore homelessness in a lesson, a youth group taking on a DIY SleepOut or a church wanting to donate at Harvest or Lent.

We welcome your support and are truly grateful for it!

Thank you

We are so grateful for your support.

Together we can make a difference.