Turning Tides is 30

For 30 years we have been supporting people on their pathway out of homelessness. Thousands of people across West Sussex have rebuilt their lives and created a brighter future with the help of Turning Tides.

It began in 1992, with a small group of compassionate individuals handing out food and blankets to people sleeping rough on Worthing seafront. It wasn’t long before the caring deeds of a few became many, and Turning Tides was formed – known then as Worthing Churches Homeless Projects.

Since then, the charity has grown into the leading provider of support for single homeless people in West Sussex, filling a vital gap in the community. Through a range of services, from community hubs and outreach work, to a recovery project and temporary accommodation, our ethos has remained the same over the years – to do everything we can to ensure no one has to face the trauma of homelessness alone.


As we reach our 30th year, homelessness is still here. But so are we.


In 2022, as the cost of living rapidly rises, so is the need for our services. We have never seen so many people who need our help. Our dedicated staff and volunteers want to do everything they can to rise to this enormous challenge – but we can’t do it without our local community. THANK YOU for helping us over the last 30 years – we hope you will continue to support us as we face the challenges ahead.

Find out more about our 30th year

Steve's Story
Kintsugi Exhibition
Ann's Story
Mobile Community Hub

Make a difference in our 30th year

Frontline Appeal
Skydive 2022
Gift in Will

I feel like a human being again.

I can see a plan ahead of me now. I see every step as part of a journey – to the top of a mountain.

When I get to the top of the mountain I will shout at the top of my lungs “thank you” to everyone that has helped me.

At times in my life, I have had no one to help me – but through Turning Tides I have changed such a lot. I can start to trust again and see how people can care for one another. I feel respected. I feel like a human being again.

My Life - Steve