Covid-19 Response

March 2020

These are unprecedented and challenging times, for everyone. Firstly, our thoughts go out to our local and wider community – we sincerely hope you are well and that the people you love are well too.

Here at Turning Tides we are adapting to face the challenge of Covid-19. This charity exists to protect and support some of the most vulnerable in our community, so we are keenly aware of the impact Covid-19 could have on them. We provide a lifeline to people whose health will have been compromised through trauma, rough sleeping, poverty and much more besides. Over half our clients have multiple and complex health needs and almost half are aged over 50. Even without the spectre of a new virus – homeless people still die on average 30 years sooner than the general population.

So right now, we are working hard – with focus. We are enormously fortunate to have a workforce of employees and volunteers who are dedicated to improving the lives of others and we couldn’t be more grateful for them.

Every possible measure is being taken to protect and safeguard the health and wellbeing of our clients, staff, volunteers and the general public. We are monitoring and implementing UK Government advice and Public Health England (PHE) recommendations. We are also working collaboratively with local authorities and other service providers throughout West Sussex to make the best use of our shared resources.

We have conducted a thorough review of our services and are implementing a number of processes to increase our resilience. Some of these measures include:

• outreach work to reach rough sleepers
• restricted movement through our properties to reduce footfall and minimise the risk of infection
• triage assessments upon access
• regular client check-ins to assist with detection and monitoring wellbeing
• designated areas to assist with isolation
• scheduled appointments for communal areas
• sourcing practical resources for isolation kits
• increased cleaning regimen across all properties
• health education for clients
• identification of those with underlying health issues
• homeworking facilities for all non-frontline staff

Admittedly, facing this virus isn’t going to be easy. Traumatised people can lead chaotic lives. There will also be a strain on our workforce, particularly on our frontline staff who, like our colleagues in the NHS, don’t have the luxury of working from home. But we are rising to the challenge wherever and however we can. And we ask for your ongoing support.

We will be posting further updates here on our website and please follow our social media channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so we can keep you up to date and share how you might be able to help. SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER and we can let you know how our clients, staff and volunteers are, as we make our way through the crisis.

If you would like to make a DONATION – we cannot thank you enough.

But most of all, please take care of yourself, the people you love, and a few others too. We’ve been saying for a long time that ‘community is the solution’ – it has never been more true.

The Turning Tides Team.