BBC’s The One Show reports on Turning Tides’ life-changing services

May 2023

“I was really shocked by those stats, but it’s so inspiring to see how Andy and Turning Tides are helping people.”

Angellica Bell, BBC One, The One Show, 30th May 2023

Nick and Datshiane

On Tuesday 30th May, Turning Tides’ life-saving work tackling rural homelessness was again the subject of national TV coverage. BBC One’s The One Show featured a report about our work in the first segment of the programme.

The report, presented by Datshiane Navanayagam who has lived experience of homelessness herself, shows Turning Tides’ work combatting the rise of rural and hidden homelessness. Datshiane speaks with Andy, a former rough sleeper who, after receiving support from Turning Tides, is now living independently. Andy shows Datshiane where he used to sleep in Arundel, hidden in an abandoned boathouse, and tells her how difficult life was for him there – but felt safer than sleeping in an urban environment.

Datshiane also talks to Gareth who, after sleeping rough is now living in our newest residential service, Roffey Place. Of his experience sleeping rough in rural locations, he says:

“I didn’t want anyone to see me. I felt I was letting people down. I felt like a failure… Nick came and found me, and within four of five hours he was able to offer me a fresh bed just to get me back on my feet again.”

‘Nick’ is Nick Wiggington, Turning Tides outreach worker. He shares with Datshiane some of the regular sights he sees when trying to reach people experiencing homelessness in the West Sussex countryside. The crucial support Nick provides to help people begin the journey out of homelessness, including coverage of our mobile hub, also features.

We’re proud to have our services recognised nationally once again, something that is testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff and volunteers. Turning Tides continues to work in a very difficult economic landscape to ensure the best outcomes for the rising number of people facing homelessness in West Sussex.

Watch The One Show report below.